Tuesday, October 16, 2012

No Television :-D

Just before 2008 started I splurged and bought my husband a flat screen tv for Christmas. This was just before the birth of our oldest son. It recently has gone on the fritz and we've been turning it off more since half the screen is black. I finally called a repair man and they had to cart the thing off to run further diagnostics on it. The repair may cost $400 or we may have to fork out money to buy a new one....really not even five years old and already running into this kind of problem. Before this tv we had a huge box that I had bought in 99', sure it was bulky but it still worked nearly ten years later.

Whatever happened to making things that lasted?

Minus the headache and extra expense I have to say I am thankful for this reprieve. The tv gets turned on for background noise before I'm awake and then for the most part it stays on....just cuz. I've been guilty of allowing my kids to watch too much tv, although recently we've been spending more time outside. I feel like the tv is always too loud (even when it's off), too easy a distraction (from having meaningful conversations), not to mention too vulgar (have you seen the commercials/shows aimed at kids but not appropriate for adults). So I'm thankful to have some quiet for the whole family. And if the thing can't be fixed...well I may just go about saving up for a new one at a snails pace, on purpose.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Simon turns One

Simon came into the world much the same way as his brothers but boy is his personality different. He is my clown, he'll do anything for a laugh and can really get his dad going which is amazing. He looks very much like his dad when he was little brown eyes and all. He turned one today and it's crazy how fast the year went. Thanks to his big brothers he learned to crawl and walk earlier, also has more of his teeth earlier and he is a huge momma's boy. It's nice to finally have one who for the moment at least wants mom before dad. I'm blessed to be a mom and want nothing but the best for all of my boys. Happy Birthday Simon!
Laughing with dad

Do I have to wear this thing?

Don't mind if I do wear my cake

Time for a brother hug!

See I can help too!