Thursday, April 28, 2011

Allow Me to Give You Something Else to Judge Me On

There are very few things in this life that I am judgmental about. This doesn't mean that I have no opinion on most everything, but having an opinion and being judgmental are two different ways of being/acting and it is a very subtle difference so maybe I should clarify the two.

Judgmental: (adjective)
1. Of or concerning the use of judgment * - judgmental errors

2. Having or displaying an excessively critical point of view * - I don't like to sound judgmental, but it was a big mistake

Opinion: (noun)
1. a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.

2. a personal view, attitude, or appraisal.

3. the formal expression of a professional judgment * - to ask for a second Medical opinion.

Indeed they are subtle differences and one must be very careful when expressing an opinion to not cross that thin line into being/acting judgmental and thus causing those you are sharing with unnecessary grief, hurt feelings or just giving them a reason to change their perspective towards you. I have on occasion been judgmental and it has always ended badly to say the least. So I now take great care when expressing an opinion to clarify if I feel I'm not articulating my thoughts well enough and/or I've crossed that line by mistake. After all who am I to pass judgment on or towards anyone? We are all on the same journey even if we are at different points or have very different circumstances surrounding us. When I hurt someone else is being lifted up by one who has passed through a hurt of their own and is able to assist those behind. And when things are going well in my life I usually am presented with someone who needs my assistance to come through whatever is ailing them...even if only by words and prayers alone.

Recently I was on the receiving end of someone else's judgments. This isn't my first go round with this person in particular and I'm sure it won't be my last. I'm not sure what the intended goal was, but I do know that it accomplished two things: 1. It really pissed me off, especially since they just kept on with their criticism. 2. I really rather not be around this person ever again in my life; that is not very plausible and I don't like feeling this way towards anyone, at the same time I don't like being judged.

I have a strong personality myself and tend to be stubborn , even pigheaded at times, but the actions of this person were so far off my tolerant radar that now I'm in a position where I don't know how to act/respond/be around them. After I defended myself with strong notes of frustration, sarcasm and undertones that said "will you just shut up already" the person tried to play it off like they were joking. HA, that's a laugh...are you freakin' kidding me??? So you were kidding...well then let me just throw all of the conversation in a blender along with your dignity and see what it looks like on the other side of puree shall we. And in the meantime you can judge -I mean joke- about this post.

Monday, April 25, 2011

The joys of being a woman

Some days I love being part of the female gender and then there are the days where men are the enemy for no other reason than they are not suffering the pains I as a woman am going through...oh and it was Adam, a man, who holds most of the fault for causing pain, suffering and all things not of God into the world. (Yep, that's right man is to blame. Eve may have handed him the apple, but if he had spoke up when the serpent was tempting her, then maybe a whole different world we would be a part of.)
The things I dislike are also the things that set us apart from our male counterparts and so it is a bittersweet life. PMS and all things that are part of a woman's "cycle" that are uncomfortable are some of my least favorite and I know I am not alone in this sentiment. Without this part we wouldn't be able to be part of the baby making that our female bodies are capable of. While not all parts of pregnancy are enjoyable there are the moments which make it all worth while. For instance, hearing the heartbeat for the first time, seeing the baby moving on a sonogram and the movements within that only another mother can fully understand despite how well we try to describe it.
The hormonal changes that take place inside the female body are also something that I could do without, but again then I wouldn't be a all things in life I guess today I just want to express this,


Okay, I'm done whining now, moving on.