Saturday, July 14, 2012


When you're a child the sight of a carousel or merry-go-round brings nothing but a feeling of utter delight. The ride makes you feel weightless and carefree...this is the feeling of youth, no worries, no anxiety, just innocence in action.

As an adult you may remember that feeling...but you begin to associate the merry-go-round with routine or the never ending cycle of wake, work, eat, sleep and repeat. It's almost like a ride you become trapped on with no way off. Life seems to get the upper hand and the pressures of adulthood loom unbidden and sometimes unforgiving.

These past few days have been crazy insane to say the least. Everything has come crashing down around me and my family in a completely unexpected way. It's the merry-go-round from hell that we can't seem to escape and it's affecting each of us differently with some elements overlapping and drawing us together...those elements are the only things keeping us from ripping our hair out or worse, because we can at least be supportive as one goes up and the other goes down, we can laugh at the chaos and cry when we drop the last ball, we are present to each other now in a way that we always should be but usually fail at being.

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