Lately on my journey through life I feel as though I'm getting "the point", I "understand" my purpose and I am making "progress"...which, as soon as I make these connections, is followed immediately by "WHAT?!?", I don't "understand and Am I even on the "right road"?
I know that God draws straight paths with crooked lines...yet this makes no sense to my feeble little mind. I know better than to try to understand God though! All I'm trying to do is be happy and as peaceful as possible with my family, as well as have them the same way. Seeing as I can only control how I feel and react to situations it gets sticky sometimes. Relationships are NOT easy.
They are WORTH IT though. I am thankful that I have a loving husband who cares enough to worry...all the time. I may not ever truly understand it, but I am thankful for him. Life can be a tricky balancing act, trying to make sure all the pieces fall together just right (I'm glad I don't have that job, my apologies to our Father) looking back to the past, to the present and even looking forward life can be like stairways.
Some twist and turn, some lead no where, some go through doorways, some only lead to the door, some move on there own & are faster than walking, some are no longer useful...they all let us go up and down or round and round, they let us get on or stay off, move faster or yes even slower...just like the decisions in life.
Today started with me feeling like I was on the stairway towards heaven, I was getting there, making progress. Followed quickly by feeling as though I were caught in the middle of a staircase that had no beginning and no end, I had no where to go and no way to get there. (Luckily this didn't last long) And now I feel as if I'm walking round a bend and maybe through another door way to some unforeseen destination. The unknown for me is not so frightening. I have my Lord and know he'll take me by the hand or lift & carry me whenever I need Him.
I also have my family, my health and mostly happiness coupled with peace that fill my days (especially today). Although the shape of my stairs has gone through many changes today I am remembering to be thankful for the blessings and the small tribulations that I am confronted with from time to time.
Like my early post says: God Bless Today & may I remember these three words all the days that have yet to come.
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