Well its the third week of 2011 and I am missing the craziness of the holidays.
I know that sentence sounds a little crazy in itself, but nonetheless its true. I am missing the days getting shorter and the chill of the night air. The buzz of excitement as everyone prepares for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas. The smell of wood burning in peoples' hearths when I step outside and the stillness of winter evenings. Sipping cocoa or coffee and oh the baking that takes place in my home during the season. Mostly I'm missing the excuse to be ever nearer with my family.
Even with my two boys and my husband the house seems too quiet after the visiting comes to an end. I guess I don't understand why we only take advantage (mostly) of the last three months of every year to be with our families. Sure we say they drive us insane but that's what families do and despite the annoyances there are such joyous memories that are made anytime we are together, even if the circumstances are not ideal...for instance in the event of funerals, despite the sadness the surrounds the moment there are conversations or stories of remembrance for the deceased that make everyone smile with warm and fuzzy feelings that can only be experienced in the bosom of our families.
I wish I had the means to gather, more often, everyone together. Especially those who live out of state who we don't see for years at a time. And so seeing as, for this moment at least, I have not the means to accomplish the things I long for most the blues have set in.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
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