I've been thinking...a lot lately it seems. From the simple, mundane, take for granted things: washing dishes, errands to run, laundry to do...to the complicated, I'll never truly understand, why's it so hard things: astrophysics, noetic science, God, life. Through all of this contemplation that goes on inside my wee head it amazes me, mostly, that I manage to make sense of any of it at all. Knowing myself, fairly well, I know that some of these things I truly will never understand although there maybe others in this world who will understand and also may at some point attempt to explain it to me. The parts I do understand and sometimes take for granted have led me to a very simple conclusion...in all of the places, in all the world, in the whole wide vast universe, out of every person to have ever lived or who will ever come into being, I am unique from everyone else. And even though I am just one girl, I am apart of a much bigger picture than I can even fathom and as I go through my small insignificant life I still leave a mark, we all do.
I may be just One, but...Just One Does MATTER!
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