Boy like to play hard...girls pretend hard
Boys roughhouse...girls play house
Boys eat any and everything....girls have tea
Boys kick, throw and build/stack their toys...girls play house
So many differences, some similarities...but the things that throw me off most of all are the innocent statements made by my four year old regarding his...well...balls. We're not talking play things here, no footballs, basketballs or these are the male genitalia, also known as balls
Recently as my oldest was reviewing his anatomy book, that he's looked at many time before, he comes to the reproductive organs and feels it necessary to say, "See mom, these are my balls and my peepee." As he points to the picture. I acknowledge and agree. The part that throws me is when he takes off his underwear and says and demonstrates, "See THESE are my BALLS, and when I pull them they hurt and then they don't."
I about lose it...but retain my composure and say, "Yes, son, please don't touch don't need to, I see." He lets it go and then I ask my husband how I should respond in such a situation. Being a girl...we don't usually do this type of thing...I know he's curious and figuring things out. I know that this is natural and I know there will come a time for a lesson in self discipline, at four it's not that time just yet. So how is a mom to respond. My husband says, "Just tell him daddy will talk to him."HT's interest has moved on and there's no need to say this.
When my husband gets home he does have a is straight and to the is NOT something a mother would ever say, but coming from daddy seems perfectly natural and HT takes it in stride. The subject has not come up again THANK GOD...when it does I hope I am better prepared. Little ones sometimes catch us off guard and we have to improvise more than we are sometimes prepared for....I am so very thankful that I have my husband by my side to help me in these awkward moments. I fear if I didn't I'd simply make an ass of myself...boys and girls are different in more than one area and I am praying that I am able to raise our boys with the compassion that women carry within themselves, a sense of nurturing and being aware of others emotions but without turning them into momma's boys...I am hoping to raise them to be strong, independent, courageous and the "rocks" that they will need to be in their own families. This momma does not want to raise sissy, Lilly-livered wusses! But Lord help me, I've no idea of all things that make up little boys, I'm learning though and it is an adventure!
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