Thursday, January 19, 2012


Life continues to make changes...these days it happens monthly or so it seems. In October we add bouncing baby boy number three. Talk about a shift in household dynamics. Mostly good but sometimes stressful changes are occurring constantly since we now have my husband, myself and our boys; 4yrs, 2yrs and 4 our two cats. For me it's only stressful as I try to find a balance between them and me. I mean after you have a kid you have to figure out where they end and you begin...times that by three or four if you include a spouse. I'm learning to make time for me even if it means I'm the last to bed at night. I need that thirty or so minutes to care for myself whether I jump in a shower (uninterrupted), watch tv (uninterrupted) or catch up on chores I didn't make it to during the day (uninterrupted)...see the pattern?!?

I'm also relearning that life changes directions all the time, it's inevitable, but as long as you travel with the terrain and don't fight it too much then things keep moving,

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