Wednesday, February 16, 2011

With Blessings One Should Be Prepared For Tribulations

Nothing good in this life comes without struggles of some kind. It is said that the closer one gets to God the harder the devil attacks them in an effort to turn the person away from three words God allows us TO BE TESTED. I will never presume to know why he allows this but I do know that after the storm is over things are better than when one entered it. Just like a negative being removed from a camera and beautiful pictures being developed from the film.

I don't know exactly what is happening just yet but I do know that my marriage is being tested yet again. The cold-shoulder or "silent treatment" is unusual between my husband and I, today it's very present though. It started this morning. He woke me as usual as he was leaving for work but he didn't respond when I said, "I love you" and so far today I haven't heard from him. This behavior is also unusual. Even on a slow day I still hear from him a few times via text or email...but nothing.

I know that we have been blessed over and over in the past few months especially within the past week. I guess now it's time again for the testing portion, which is never enjoyable, but I pray it will be short lived and that whatever it is we are able to work through it civilly and lovingly and that we come out the other side better than when we went in.

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